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This method update marketplace offer details


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "0",
"method": "marketplace_push_update_offer",
"params": {
"tx_id": "",
"no": 0,
"od": {
"ap": "1000",
"at": "1",
"cat": "CLS:MAN:TSH",
"cnt": "#",
"com": "This field is where you write a detailed overview of your product or service, make it good",
"do": "NiRDNaMeZjwCjnHuU5gUNyrP1pM3U5vckbakzzV6dEHyDYeCpW8XGLBFTshcaY8LkG9RQn7FsQx8w2JeJzJwPwuDm2NfixPAXf",
"et": 10,
"fee": 10000000000,
"lci": "THE NIRVERSE",
"lco": "Decentralized",
"ot": 3,
"pt": "$NIR",
"t": "Product Title",
"url": "QmVWxCy7JyEuvxMPpcQ4jBzsRxtMFjbF6VGMc4CGuN6iqK"

Request parameters

  • ap - the amount of the currency specified for use in this offer
  • at - the amount of the items to be sold/bought
  • cat - category of the goods, could be specified with subcategories by separation CLS:MAN:TSH, which could mean Clothes->Man->Tshirts
  • cnt - contacts, like skype, discord, telegram, whatever
  • com - comments regarding this offer
  • do - additional conditions, if need to specify
  • et - expiration time, set in days, eg 5 - expire in 5 days after creation
  • fee - fee paid for this transaction with the offer, it can be default offer, but the higher fee may bring offers to be higher in search results
  • lci - location city, if the also make sense for an offer, could be google geo-autocomplete id, like ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ
  • lco - location country, if this makes sense for an offer
  • ot - offer type, 0 - buy currency for NIR, 1 - buy NIR for currency, 2 - buy goods for NIR, 3 - sell goods for NIR
  • pt - payment type, Credit cards, Crypto, Paypal, Flexa
  • t - description for the goods/service which is selling/seeking
  • url - string; url of your stores web presence etc


"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"tx_blob_size": 725,
"tx_hash": "06da9bac0f15fd7ab41983f9437f95835b1baef6810fe15b2ea831f60b058b4b"

Response information

  • tx_blob_size
  • tx_hash - string; tx hash of the transaction related to the offer being pushed