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General marketplace API which lets read offers related to given wallet


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": "0",
"method": "marketplace_global_get_offers_ex",
"params": {
"filter": {
"amount_low_limit": 0,
"amount_up_limit": 0,
"bonus": false,
"category": "",
"fake": false,
"keyword": "",
"limit": 100,
"location_city": "",
"location_country": "",
"offer_type_mask": 0,
"offset": 0,
"order_by": 0,
"primary": "",
"rate_low_limit": "0.000000",
"rate_up_limit": "0.000000",
"reverse": false,
"target": "",
"timestamp_start": 0,
"timestamp_stop": 0,

Request parameters

  • amount_low_limit - filter offers selection by field amount of specified currency at lower boundary.
  • amount_up_limit - filter offers selection by field amoun of specified currency t at higher boundary. -bonus
  • category - fiter by category, work's as substring matching, i.e. if categories set to "CLS:MAN:TSH" and filters category fileds set to "MAN" then it fits category condition.
  • fake
  • keyword - This use search by keyword throught the all fields.
  • limit - Maximum records to return.
  • location_city - Used to filter by city name or geo-tag
  • location_country - Filters by country code.
  • offer_type_mask - Specify type of the offer:
  • offset - Offeset regarding first item which fit specified filter, count include only items which fit the filter. Userful for enumeration big amount or records, up to whole offers database enumeration.
  • order_by - chose in how to order offers in selection. At this moment supported following ordering:
0Order by timestamp (most usable)
1Order by an amount of Nirmata
2Order by the amount of specified currency
3Order by rate, which calculated as the amount currency divided to amount Nirmata
4Order by payment type(as string)
5Order by contact field(as string)
6Order by location: country string concatenated with city string
7Order by target string, basically title string
  • primary -
  • rate_low_limit - Filter by low limit of the rate between Nirmata and currency amount currency divided to amount Nirmata
  • reverse - Reverse order
  • target - Basically a title for subject of the Offer - could be the name of the goods or currency which supposed to be traded.
  • timestamp_start - Setup a lower timestamp boundary. Useful if the offers are selecting for given time range.
  • timestamp_stop - Setup a higher timestamp boundary. Useful if the offers are selecting for given time range.


"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"offers": [
"ap": "20",
"at": "1",
"b": "",
"cat": "CLS:MAN:TSH",
"cnt": "Skype: some_skype, discord: some_user#01012",
"com": "Some nice comments about tshirt",
"do": "Additional conditions",
"et": 10,
"fee": 10000000000,
"index_in_tx": 0,
"lci": "",
"lco": "World Wide",
"ot": 1,
"p": "USD",
"pt": "Credit cards, BTC, NIR, ETH",
"security": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"t": "T-shirt with Nirmata logo, made by Crypjunkie",
"timestamp": 1570219600,
"tx_hash": "6ba12c5d2c66d31f770bfdc88ae9dc90d007b9b33f946fc7c1d9750f8655331c",
"tx_original_hash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"ap": "20",
"at": "1",
"b": "",
"cat": "CLS:MAN:TSH",
"cnt": "Skype: some_skype, discord: some_user#01012",
"com": "Some nice comments about tshirt",
"do": "Additional conditions",
"et": 10,
"fee": 10000000000,
"index_in_tx": 0,
"lci": "",
"lco": "World Wide",
"ot": 1,
"p": "USD",
"pt": "Credit cards, BTC, NIR, ETH",
"security": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"t": "T-shirt with Nirmata logo, made by Crypjunkie",
"timestamp": 1570219840,
"tx_hash": "2987b671cc337203628a3a1bb7ac811e41f110864d6162d3c2276d2c79f694d6",
"tx_original_hash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"status": "",
"total_offers": 0

Response information

  • ap - the amount of the currency specified for use in this offer
  • at - the amount of the items to be sold/bought
  • b -
  • cat - category of the goods, could be specified with subcategories by separation CLS:MAN:TSH, which could mean Clothes->Man->Tshirts
  • cnt - contacts, like skype, discord, telegram, whatever
  • com - comments regarding this offer
  • do - additional conditions, if need to specify
  • et - expiration time, set in days, eg 5 - expire in 5 days after creation
  • fee - fee paid for this transaction with the offer, it can be default offer, but the higher fee may bring offers to be higher in search results
  • index_in_tx -
  • lci - location city, if the also make sense for an offer, could be google geo-autocomplete id, like ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ
  • lco - location country, if this makes sense for an offer
  • ot - offer type, 0 - buy currency for NiR, 1 - buy NiR for currency, 2 - buy goods for NiR, 3 - sell goods for NiR
  • p -
  • pt - payment type, Credit cards, Crypto, Paypal, Flexa
  • security -
  • t - description for the goods/service which is selling/seeking
  • timestamp -
  • tx_hash -
  • tx_original_hash -